Founding Fathers

Sean Connally
Ozhan Kashkooli

Sean Connally


Career Highlights:

Ozhan Kashkooli


Career Highlights:

Deron Hansen


Career Highlights:

Executive Board Members

President - Deron Hansen


 Vice President – Sean Connally


Secretary – James Matthews



Treasurer – Kyle Maresco



At-Large Director – Ozhan Kashkooli


  What is SOCALOA? 

Mission Statement 

The purpose of SOCALOA is to provide high quality lacrosse officiating services through a certified education and training program, in order to promote knowledge of the rules, fair play, fun, and sportsmanship among all people involved in amateur boys’ lacrosse contests from youth to high school in the CIF-Southern Section of Southern California, as well as educating the public on lacrosse rules and safety.

We, of the Southern California Lacrosse Officials Association, will...