Pay Dues On-line
Membership Dues and Training Fee (Currently Under Review)
**Due by Session 3 Annually**
To pay your dues electronically, you have two options:
OPTION 1: Venmo (preferred)
If you have the Venmo app on your phone, then you can search for "SOCALOA" or type @SOCALOA and submit your payment without any additional fees.
Please pay:
Returning members: $85
Returning Junior Officials: $45
Affiliate members: $45
OPTION 2: Paypal (with additional fees)
Use the PayPal form below to either pay your $85 annual membership dues
just select the "$85 Annual Membership Fee" option.
Unfortunately, Paypal charges fees for on-line payments which necessitates the need for a convenience fee. If you do not want to pay the convenience fee then you may mail a check to the SOCALOA Treasurer or bring your check to the next training meeting.
Please pay:
Returning members: $87.50 ($2.50 Transaction Fee)
Returning Junior Officials: $47.50 ($2.50 Transaction Fee)
Affiliate members: $47.50 ($2.50 Transaction Fee)
DIRECTIONS: Select the payment you want to make from the dropdown menu below and then hit "BUY NOW"